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CQD Rear Sling Mount (Limited Supply Only!)

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  CQD Rear Sling Mount (Limited Supply Only!)
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$49.00 USD
(euro40.83 EUR)
The CQD Rear Sling Mount (CQD - RSM) replaces the original M4 end plate to allow convenient & strong sling attachment point at the rear of a M-4/M-16/AR-15 receiver with collapsible stock. Made in USA! Limited supply only!

Net Weight: Information currently not available
Category: Mount Base/Scope Mount/Flashlight Mount
Manufacturer: CQD
Availability: Backorder

Product Information:

Ambidextrous design allows sling attachment on right or left side of the weapon
Designed to separate attachment points (on left side) to inhibit entanglement
Sturdy, durable, steel construction for rugged use and longevity
Right-side shaped to allow greater clearance/access to the weapon forward-assist lever

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